
Testimonials & Interviews


nubuck Cushion

for P. Kiela


Not only does P. Keila M.D. have a good eye and steady hand, but refined taste. As fashion lawyer, A. Patel J.D too has an eye for detail and taste to match. I’ve had the privilege to work on quite a few detailed projects, but one of my favourites would have to be the custom nubuck cushions that were designed for their vintage Pierre Jeanneret armchairs. After careful selection of the hides, they were designed, cut, stitched and edge finished by hand.

Photos by C. Cameron(left)& P. Keila (right)


Directors Chair

for Sean Brown


Sean Brown is a multidisciplinary creative with a focus on photography and multi-dimensional design. His works, both personal and commercial, often recite themes surrounding accidental meaning: finding context through process, research, and exploration.

Photos by Sean Brown.